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7 mai 2012 1 07 /05 /mai /2012 11:08

Understanding lymphoma cancer survival rate is very important as it assists in knowing overall chances of a victim to survive in a particular lymphoma cancer stage. Lymphoma cancer life expectancy is generally calculated from the time of diagnosis and is useful in deciding on most suitable treatment pattern to control abnormal growth effectively. This helps to reduce chances of recurrent phase of tumors thus, avoiding serious health complications in future.


Importance of Understanding Lymphoma Cancer Survival Rate


Cancer that arises in lymph cells can cause very serious consequences if not detected properly or ignored for a long time. Lymph nodes are spread to almost all vital areas of human body and are the main carriers of a fluid known as lymph. Lymph contains vital form of cells like B cells and T cells. B cells play an important part in developing and maintaining immune system and help body cells and tissues to fight various kinds of disorders and infections naturally without undergoing any special form of cure. T cells are the main generators of anti-bodies and play a significant part in curbing infection at the least possible level. Hence, it is necessary to avoid cancerous growth in lymph cells as their malfunctioning can lead to irreparable damage to one or more areas and may also become a major cause of secondary cancer of other organs like lungs, kidneys, abdomen, skin etc.


Survival rate of lymphoma cancer is an important parameter to judge overall capacity of victim in fighting the disorder. Main concern related to survival rate is the stage of cancerous disorder of lymph nodes one is going through. Factors like age, medical background, and kind of cancerous growth matter a lot in determining lymphoma cancer life expectancy. Life expectancy is a prediction and may alter on positive side if a person has strong immune system and has undergone correct treatments at right time.


Age is an important dimension playing key role in calculating chances of survival. As a person grows older, body tissues become weak and nonresistant to various infections and are also less responsive to treatments undergone. Thus, chances of curbing growth of cancer cells in initial stages are less and probability of fast spread of infection or recurrence of tumors is quite high. Old people  also have chances of suffering from other non-cancerous but serious chronic disorders that might indirectly help cancer infection to develop in various areas of body.


Other main factor responsible for decrease in survival rate is personal medical history or background of the victim. People going through recurrent stage of cancer of lymph nodes suffer from very low lymphoma cancer survival rate and chances are recovery are also less. Cancer of lymphocytes is of two major kinds as Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma  (NHL). There are almost 70 different patterns of cancerous infections in lymphocytes covered under these two categories. Survival rate may differ according to category of infection and the impact caused to victim can also differ accordingly.


Basic Lymphoma Cancer Survival Rate


In the most initial stage when tumors have their presence only in the local region, five-year survival rate can be as high as 91% which then decreases to 78% in intermediate stage. In the last and final stage, chances of survival can be around 53%, says statistical report by American Cancer Society (United States of America).


Lymphoma cancer survival rate can be maximum if medical supervision is apt and according to suitability of victim's condition. One should also focus on proper diet to attain maximum lymphoma cancer life expectancy.  

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  • : Types of Cancer
  • : Cancer term used for disease in which cancerous cell has uncontrolled growth. This is common to all 200 type of cancer hence cancer awareness is important to prevent it.
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